Thursday, 14 June 2007

Freethekillie2 Some Proven Facts

some points of the killie 2 case
1:both brendan and patrick were willing to take the witness stand.
2:colin miller did not take the witness stand to give evidence against brendan and patrick. 3:they were never seen together in the small village of hurlford.
4:they were never in prison for the same crime.
5:mrs paton knew miller because he used her garden as a short cut (which brings you out at mrs irvine's house)
6: every statement brendan and patrick gave remained the same while colin miller gave numerous different statements to police.
THE BIRMINGHAM FRAMEWORK by fr denis faul & fr raymond murray 1976
although we've done nothing wrong the police are to blame they've slandered our families they've brought on us shame our wives are all weeping our homes are in ruin our mothers are crying our sisters the same they've spat on our children what a crying shame the things we've put up with the torture the pain and if they convict us and our prayers were in vain i'll still pray and forgive them in god's holy name WILLIAM POWER free the killie 2 and all innocent men and women in british prisons.

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